Collection: Roblox & LUA Programming Courses
Roblox Programming with LUALua is an easy-to-use coding language for games engines mostly used in Roblox. It is a unique language embedded in Roblox, allowing kids to learn a combination of block and text-based programming to create their own 3D world.
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Roblox Programming with LUA CampLua is an easy-to-use coding language for games engines mostly used in Roblox. It is a unique language embedded in Roblox, allowing kids to learn a combination of block and text-based programming to create their own 3D world.
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Building Games with RobloxA basic/intermediate course in Roblox and Lua, with specific focus on building games. Kids will start off with the Lua/Roblox basics and then move on to building different games across a number of sessions.
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Game Development techniques with Roblox and Lua
This course delves into the finer details of game development with Roblox and Lua. We look at new concepts such as GUI screens, animations, sounds, and data storage in the cloud.
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Roblox Escape Room
During this course we will build a Prison break experience in Roblox and LUA. The course is designed to be a hands-on activity to further programming skills in LUA while using some advanced Roblox studio features. The escape room world will be built using different elements and tools. Weapons, changing camera details and controls.
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Roblox Escape Room Camp
During this camp we will build a Prison break experience in Roblox and LUA. The course is designed to be a hands-on activity to further programming skills in LUA while using some advanced Roblox studio features. The escape room world will be built using different elements and tools. Weapons, changing camera details and controls.
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